Testing the sample

The functional test project contains simplified test scripts. You can view the simplified test scripts and the Java scripts.

Application under test: The IBM® Rational® Team Concert web client is used as an application under test.

To run the functional test script against the IBM® Rational® Team Concert web client, you must set up Rational® Team Concert for project-management activities.

If you do not have a set up for Rational® Team Concert, you can obtain a trial version of Rational® Team Concert from Jazz.net. Register your details and download Rational® Team Concert from the Jazz.net web site, and set it up for project-management activities.

You can then, modify certain test lines in the functional test script according to your setup and run the sample test script against Rational® Team Concert to observe HTML testing.

This project contains the following two sample functional test scripts:
  • CreateDefect: This functional test script creates a defect in Rational® Team Concert. Some of the values that must be specified in the fields for creating a defect are data-driven. You can add values to the dataset, modify the script according to your setup, and run the script to test the application.
  • CreateQuery: This functional test script creates a query that lists work items that match certain conditions in Rational® Team Concert. Some of the values that must be specified in the fields for creating the query are data-driven. You can add values to the dataset, modify the script according to your setup, and run the script to test the application.