The Keyword view

The Keyword view displays the keywords created in IBM® Rational® Quality Manager. By default, this view is displayed along with the Protocol Data and Recording Control views in Rational® Test Workbench.

The following menu options are available when you right-click a keyword in the keyword view:
Refresh Steps
Lists the steps associated with a keyword.
Record Test
Records a Test Workbench test for the selected keyword.
Associate Test
Associates a Test Workbench test with the keyword. Multiple tests can be associated with a keyword.
Show Associated Tests
Shows all the tests associated with a keyword.
To view the keyword list:
  • If the Keyword View is not displayed in the UI Test perspective, click Window > Show View. Select Keyword View from the Type category and click OK.
To select a project area:
  • To select a project, click ProjectArea list. Only keywords pertaining to the selected project area are displayed.