UI Test Statistical report

Use this report to view the performance data for your application. The report displays performance data for all of the transactions in the test, all of the steps in the test, and all of the supported computer resources.

This report includes the following data:

  • Overall: This page displays the high-level data such as name of the test, total time taken to run the test, the number of steps attempted and the number of steps passed or failed.
  • Transaction Performance: This page displays the Net End-to-End time and Net Server time for all of the transactions in the test.
  • Step Performance: This page displays the Net End-to-End Time, Net Server Time, and On App Time for all of the steps in the test. Scroll down the page to view the response times for all of the browsers that were used for the run.

In a UI Test Statistical report, you can sort the order of the test steps, which are listed in the Step pane, either by alphabetical order or order of execution of the test steps. The default sorting of the test steps is by order of execution.

You can either click the Execution order icon or the Alphabetical order icon to toggle between the sorting options. You can also click the Up Arrow icon to sort the test steps in the correct order of execution or the correct alphabetical order. Similarly, you can click the Down Arrow icon to sort the test steps in the reverse order of execution or the reverse alphabetical order.