Recording a SAP test

You can record your interaction with the SAP GUI client to generate an SAP test. When you record, the recording wizard opens the SAP GUI client and records all the interactions that occur between the client and the server.

Before you begin

Verify that SAP GUI Scripting is enabled on the SAP server and the SAP GUI client.

Ensure that you have a working SAP GUI and that you can connect to a SAP server.

Tests are stored in test projects. If your workspace does not contain a project, the test creation wizard enables you to creates one.

Ensure that the session that you are recording is reproducible. For example, if you create items in SAP and do not delete them, then they will already exist when the test is run, which might cause the test to not run as expected.

About this task

You can also record and generate a test by using REST APIs. The API documentation to record a test is located at C:\Program Files\IBM\IBMIMSHARED\plugins\ The API documentation to generate a test after the recording completes is located at C:\Program Files\IBM\IBMIMSHARED\plugins\


To record an SAP test:
  1. In the Functional Test perspective, click the New Test from Recording toolbar button New Test from Recording toolbar button or click File > New > Test from Recording.
  2. In the New Test from Recording wizard, click Create a test from a new recording, select SAP Test, and click Next.
    If you are recording sensitive data, you can select a Recording encryption level.
  3. On the Select Location page, select the project and folder for the new test, type a name for the test, and click Next.
    If necessary, click the Create Parent Folder icon Create Parent Folder icon to create a project or folder
  4. On the SAP Connection page, select how to connect to the SAP server:
    • In most cases, select SAP Logon; then enter the description normally used by SAP Logon to identify the server in SAP system name.
    • If your environment does not support SAP Logon, select Server information. In Application server, enter the host name or IP address of the server. Then specify a value for System number. Enter information in Other options, if required. Refer to your SAP documentation for details about the other SAP Logon options.
    • If your environment uses gateways or routers to connect to the SAP server, select Connection by string. Click Edit to specify a valid connection string. Refer to your SAP documentation for details about connection strings.
    • If you have an SAP shortcut file to automate the connection, select SAP shortcut file. Click Browse to specify the location of the file.
    • You also have the option of logging on to SAP through the HTTP SAP Portal. See Recording a session with HTTP SAP Portal for more information.
    • If you want to skip the logon process and start the recording from a specific screen in the middle of a session, start a session with the SAP Logon program, go to the screen, and then select Record a running session started from SAP-Logon. The recorded test will not contain any connection information. This option can be useful for creating split tests.
  5. If this is the first time you record a SAP test, read the privacy warning, and select Accept.
  6. Click Finish to start recording.
    In some cases, you might see a warning that a script is opening a connection to SAP.
  7. Log on to SAP and complete the transactions to test.
    For security reasons, the password cannot be recorded by the SAP test recorder. Instead, it is requested at the end of the recording session.
  8. In the SAP GUI window, perform the tasks for testing.
    You can use the Recorder Test Annotations toolbar to add comments, record synchronizations, or take screen captures during the recording.
    • To add a comment to the recorded test, click the Insert comment icon Insert comment icon.
    • To add a screen capture to the recorded test, click the Capture screen icon Capture screen icon. Screen and window captures make your tests easier to read and help you visualize the recorded test. You can change the settings for screen captures and add a comment to the image.
    • To manually add a test synchronization to the recording, click the Insert synchronization icon Insert synchronization icon.
    • To insert a split point into the recorded test, click the Split point iconSplit point icon Split point iconbutton. Split points allow. With split points, you can generate multiple tests from a single recording, thatwhich you can replay in a different order with a schedule.SeeSplitting a test during recording for more information about splitting a test.
  9. When you have completed the transactions to be tested, stop the recorder by closing the SAP GUI or by clicking Stop Stop Recording push button in the Recorder Control view.
  10. In the Enter Password window, enter the password for the account that was used for recording.
    This step is required because SAP GUI does not allow direct recording of the password.
    A progress window opens while the test is generated. On completion, the Recorder Control view displays this message: Test generation completed. The Test Navigator lists your test and the test opens in the test editor.

What to do next

You can now play back the test and check the test results. Before playing back a test, in SAP Connection Details editor, click Test Connection to test the connection to the SAP GUI server.