What's new in IBM Fault Analyzer for z/OS V15.1
Latest service: For details of the APARs that
have been addressed in each release, see Latest PTFs for IBM Fault Analyzer for z/OS.
New features and enhancements in V15.1.6
This version of the documentation contains minor clarifications and corrections.
New features and enhancements in V15.1.5
- A new message, IDI0196W, has been added. See IDI0196W.
New features and enhancements in V15.1.4
- A new section Special consideration for 2GB-4GB addresses has been added.
- A new options field PREVEXIT has been added to the IDIOPTLM configuration-options module. For details, see Suppressing IDIXDCAP real-time analysis if prior exit RC=8 (PREVEXIT).
- Support for the use of a new DDname IDISYSLB with the DSECT command and the IDIPDSCU utility has been added. For details, see IDISYSLB concatenation.
- The section Migrating from V14.1 to V15.1 has been updated to include information about the IDIOPT1 and IDIOPT2 SMP/E USERMODs.
New features and enhancements in V15.1.3
- The Fault Entry Refresh exit prompt display has changed. For details, see Refresh processing.
- Information about adding CICS abend codes in the IDIHUSRM member has been provided. For details, see User-defined abend code explanations.
New features and enhancements in V15.1.2
- A new option UnreferencedPagesValid has been provided. For details, see UnreferencedPagesValid.
- Support for program names up to 32 characters in length has been added:
- A new field ENV.POF_LONG_PGM_NAME has been added. For details, see "ENV - Common exit environment information" on page 607.
- A new field LST.LONG_PROGRAM_NAME has been added. For details, see LST - Compiler Listing Read user exit parameter list.
- A new column Program_(long) has been added to the Fault Entry List display. For details, see Available columns.
- A new section, IDIS subsystem requirements for deletion of migrated tightly-coupled associated dump data sets, has been added.
New features and enhancements in V15.1.1
- Fault Analyzer now provides a CICS web services transaction.
- Fault Analyzer XDUMPs have been enabled by default.
- Support for spilling pages to the XDUMP data set when MaxMinidumpPages is exceeded has been added.
- A general method for testing XDUMP configuration has been provided in Verifying the use of XDUMPs.
- IDIUTIL IMPORT and EXPORT now support the use of sequential data sets.
New features and enhancements in V15.1.0
- New IDIUTIL LISTHFDUP control statement along with a corresponding LISTHFDUP user exit are provided.
- An ALIGN optional parameter is provided for the DUMP and DUMPA user exit report formatting tags, as well as the REXX LIST command.
- New GPREGn_VALID fields (where n is 0-15) is added to the UFM data area.
- Information about migrating from Fault Analyzer V14.1 to V15.1 is provided.