What's new in IBM Fault Analyzer for z/OS V15.1

Latest service: For details of the APARs that have been addressed in each release, see Latest PTFs for IBM Fault Analyzer for z/OS.

New features and enhancements in V15.1.6

This version of the documentation contains minor clarifications and corrections.

New features and enhancements in V15.1.5

  • A new message, IDI0196W, has been added. See IDI0196W.

New features and enhancements in V15.1.4

New features and enhancements in V15.1.3

New features and enhancements in V15.1.2

New features and enhancements in V15.1.1

  • Fault Analyzer now provides a CICS web services transaction.
  • Fault Analyzer XDUMPs have been enabled by default.
  • Support for spilling pages to the XDUMP data set when MaxMinidumpPages is exceeded has been added.
  • A general method for testing XDUMP configuration has been provided in Verifying the use of XDUMPs.
  • IDIUTIL IMPORT and EXPORT now support the use of sequential data sets.

New features and enhancements in V15.1.0

  • New IDIUTIL LISTHFDUP control statement along with a corresponding LISTHFDUP user exit are provided.
  • An ALIGN optional parameter is provided for the DUMP and DUMPA user exit report formatting tags, as well as the REXX LIST command.
  • New GPREGn_VALID fields (where n is 0-15) is added to the UFM data area.
  • Information about migrating from Fault Analyzer V14.1 to V15.1 is provided.